Friday, December 29, 2006
Year 2006 is leaving... and Year 2007 is coming in two days!
Happy New Year! The Year 2007 is coming. The past year is gone quick. I didn't finish much for the last year. Got to work hard for this year..... can't lacking of like that.... life is so short and I really shouldn't wasting my time. Good luck to everyone and hope all of you guys have a new year resolution!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My other blog
OK, I am writing this just to let my friend know that I would update my MSN blog more often than this one. I really don't have that much time to update so many blogs at the same time. And I like that feature that MSN has for the photos album. It is easier to share photos with friends with those photo album feature. Coz it is hard to upload the pictures one by one on this blog while I had too many pictures that I took for the last two months in HK and China. For only Beijing, I took almost 600 photos in total. Even though I haven't sort it out yet. But, it should be about couple hundred photos that I have been taken in HK. I will still update this blog from time to time. And also I would write my blog in both Chinese and English in the MSN blog. I would just keep writing English on this one coz I type a lot faster in English than in Chinese. Just click on the link under my profile picture, it should has an item for "My other blog on MSN" or something. Leave me comments and let me know which way you could like better. I wrote the blog mainly just share things and story with friends so your input would be valuable. Thanks in advance!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am BACK!!!!
Finally I had set foot in my grandpa's house..... back to US for real.....
sigh~ Long vacation finally over...... Outside is rainning.... I guess this is the feature for Oregon... I should say Goodbye to the sunny days that I had in HK....
sigh~ Long vacation finally over...... Outside is rainning.... I guess this is the feature for Oregon... I should say Goodbye to the sunny days that I had in HK....
Back to US
OK.... when I was writing this post, I am currently at the Korean International Airport..... still waiting to get on the plane back to US....
More news to come..... less me comment or message if you are interested my trip (only for my friends) :)
More news to come..... less me comment or message if you are interested my trip (only for my friends) :)
Friday, October 13, 2006
Currently News
I am still in HK. It is almost three weeks already. Kind of getting used to it now. I went to a lot of places and visited some of my relatives. Kind of busy for the last two weeks. Finally got my new HK id yesterday. Still have to wait for my aunt to get the travel visa to China. Probably I will visit China some time soon. My grandparents are coming back to HK next week. My grandma is interested to go on trip to China. I might go with her and my mom.
The HK weather makes me feel tired so easy. I don't really like to go out that much. I guess I may stay home more often starting from next week since I already visit so many places for the last two weeks. I went to Hong Kong Museum of History last Wednesday. It was free admission for every Wednesday. It moved to a new place just opposite of the Hong Kong Museum of Science. It is bigger than what I expected. A lot of interesting things showing inside.
By the way, my ex-roommate mentioned about my phone in the comment of the last message. I actually suspensed my cellphone service. And I would reconnect it when I get back from Hong Kong. So, if you want to know about my news, either check out my blog or email me.
The HK weather makes me feel tired so easy. I don't really like to go out that much. I guess I may stay home more often starting from next week since I already visit so many places for the last two weeks. I went to Hong Kong Museum of History last Wednesday. It was free admission for every Wednesday. It moved to a new place just opposite of the Hong Kong Museum of Science. It is bigger than what I expected. A lot of interesting things showing inside.
By the way, my ex-roommate mentioned about my phone in the comment of the last message. I actually suspensed my cellphone service. And I would reconnect it when I get back from Hong Kong. So, if you want to know about my news, either check out my blog or email me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Back to Hong Kong
I am currently in Hong Kong right now. The first week was quite busy. I went to the Hong Kong Disneyland for the second day after I arrived in Hong Kong. My Dad got a special promotion for HK Disneyland, otherwise, I think I won't visit it. It is way too small. But the fireworks at night still pretty. I got a chance to take a picture with Snow White. However, it was too bad that I still missed a chance to take picture with Mickey Mouse. I missed it when I visited the Disneyland in LA.
I also went to the Peak last Tue. Didn't take the peak train coz it is more expensive than the bus. I also went to Stanley street on last Sunday which also the national day for China. Sooooooo many people on the street..... still soooo hot in Hong Kong.... Almost 30C in HK....
Still planning to go somewhere... may be the weather was too hot in Hong Kong.... it is easy to make me feel tired....
Probably gained some weights already.... keeping eating too much in HK....
I took some pictures but, I can't upload it right now since I just using the computer in the library. Thinking about to get internet at home, but there are lots of small details along with the internet service providers in here.... and they require to pay bill with credit card.... I don't quite want to do that since the credit card company will charge me extra for the diffrent of the currency....
I also went to the Peak last Tue. Didn't take the peak train coz it is more expensive than the bus. I also went to Stanley street on last Sunday which also the national day for China. Sooooooo many people on the street..... still soooo hot in Hong Kong.... Almost 30C in HK....
Still planning to go somewhere... may be the weather was too hot in Hong Kong.... it is easy to make me feel tired....
Probably gained some weights already.... keeping eating too much in HK....
I took some pictures but, I can't upload it right now since I just using the computer in the library. Thinking about to get internet at home, but there are lots of small details along with the internet service providers in here.... and they require to pay bill with credit card.... I don't quite want to do that since the credit card company will charge me extra for the diffrent of the currency....
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Stay or Not?
When I first come up the idea to go back to HK, I did think about to stay there for couple years and get a job there. My mom sure want me to stay there coz I can take care of her if I do so. But, to be honest, it is hard to find a job in HK especially for the field that I have been studying about. And the paid will be a lot less compare to the US. I believe in HK, for the new college grad. is about 9K~10K HK dollars average for their salary. It would be a lot less compare to here. The median salary range is about $45K per year in US in US dollar. Even when I was at intern couple years ago, I got paid about $3K per month. So, kind of hard to imagine that the salary at HK. My aunt (my uncle's wife) told me to reconsider about staying in HK coz the salary range is a lot less. When I think twice, it is hard for me to decide if I want to stay in HK or not. For visit for sure since I haven't see my parents for three years.
I believed if I planned better at the beginning, may be I won't end up how it seem right now. But, it is too late for it, I guess I need to come up some alternatives and hopefully they will work.
I believed if I planned better at the beginning, may be I won't end up how it seem right now. But, it is too late for it, I guess I need to come up some alternatives and hopefully they will work.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The best way to put off the HEAT!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Misc. for July
Regarding writing the blog, I still think it is easier for me to write in English. Even though I don't to accept this, my chinese is getting worst. My daily life don't really require using any chinese.... speaking is still okay since my roommate already came from Hong Kong. But, at work or other places, English is the first language that I would use. Hope I will get back my chinese writing skill by the time I go back to HK.
Last weekend was my grandpa's birthday. The whole family gone to have lunch together. They were planned to have dinner. However, my grandpa got sick and couldn't make it. At first, I needed to work on Sat. Since they changed the plan, I was able to go to the p-town to join them. We took some pictures, but I realized that since I am the one who bring camera for the family gathering, I wasn't in most of the pictures. Even I asked my relatives to help me to take picture, I guess they are not uses to my camera and the pictures always (like 8 out of 10) came out not focus. I can't even print those pictures...... so sad.... :(
By the way, it seems like my aunt changed her mind that she might be able to go to HK with me. So, I guess I may wait for her and go to HK either the end of Sept. or the early Oct.
Last weekend was my grandpa's birthday. The whole family gone to have lunch together. They were planned to have dinner. However, my grandpa got sick and couldn't make it. At first, I needed to work on Sat. Since they changed the plan, I was able to go to the p-town to join them. We took some pictures, but I realized that since I am the one who bring camera for the family gathering, I wasn't in most of the pictures. Even I asked my relatives to help me to take picture, I guess they are not uses to my camera and the pictures always (like 8 out of 10) came out not focus. I can't even print those pictures...... so sad.... :(
By the way, it seems like my aunt changed her mind that she might be able to go to HK with me. So, I guess I may wait for her and go to HK either the end of Sept. or the early Oct.
不知不覺間﹐七月已過去了。八月的來臨﹐意味著暑假快要結束了。 看來我也要快點訂機票回港走一會﹐我已很久湧有回港﹐上一次已是三年前的事了。 不知香港變成怎麼樣﹐三年雖不算是很長的時間﹐但也不算短。 希望我還會認得回家的路。 我也可順度換新的身份證﹐或許看看新建的迪士尼樂園。 我曾到過在LA的迪士尼樂園﹐香港的應該會很不同的﹐希望不用排太久才可玩那些機動遊戲。
Friday, July 28, 2006
最近的近况 -- 七月的更新
好耐冇update個blog. 不是因為忙﹐只不過是惰懶了小小。可能因為天氣熱﹐唔想郁。 唔知我香港的朋友有冇掛住我既消息。 我近排要返通宵班﹐所以日夜時間顛倒﹐所以日間的反應比平日慢小小﹐徐些之外一切正常。近日電視又播"神鵰俠侶",令到我心思思再拿出本書再生一次. 不過今次大陸拍得不錯,看得出製作費不少,D實景又靚,又多特技效果.
上次抄CSI套"法證先鋒"都幾好,制作都算認真,還算不錯. 講講下好以只是講電視劇,但是講真我都幾鐘意睇電視,因為唔使用腦碼.
上星期過百度華氏真是好難過,我不停飲冰水先至可以解下暑,唔知香港個邊熱唔熱,我諗都應該幾熱. 我遲D都諗住番香港行下,不過而家D機票好貴. 都要等過左暑假個旺季先番, 同埋番去換番個身份證先. 報到住咁多先,因為打中文真是很累. 又要諗下個字點寫,又要諗下個碼點,真是用了好多腦力.
上次抄CSI套"法證先鋒"都幾好,制作都算認真,還算不錯. 講講下好以只是講電視劇,但是講真我都幾鐘意睇電視,因為唔使用腦碼.
上星期過百度華氏真是好難過,我不停飲冰水先至可以解下暑,唔知香港個邊熱唔熱,我諗都應該幾熱. 我遲D都諗住番香港行下,不過而家D機票好貴. 都要等過左暑假個旺季先番, 同埋番去換番個身份證先. 報到住咁多先,因為打中文真是很累. 又要諗下個字點寫,又要諗下個碼點,真是用了好多腦力.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Sunny Summer
I was out of town last week. Just visited my grandparnets back in P-town. Therefore, didn't update the blog at all. It was super HOT p last Monday. High up to 105F here in Corvallis.
Last Sunday, I was tring to go to Lincoln City for the super hot day. However, there was a car accident at highway 18 and the polic close down the highway. The poor me couldn't reach the beach and needed to get back home on the same road...... :( Miss the beach soooo much.
Before that disappointed trip to Lincoln City, I went to Cannon Beach on last Friday with my grandparnets aunt. It was so nice. The clear sky with the peaceful sand.
Last Sunday, I was tring to go to Lincoln City for the super hot day. However, there was a car accident at highway 18 and the polic close down the highway. The poor me couldn't reach the beach and needed to get back home on the same road...... :( Miss the beach soooo much.
Before that disappointed trip to Lincoln City, I went to Cannon Beach on last Friday with my grandparnets aunt. It was so nice. The clear sky with the peaceful sand.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
最近的近况 - 五月的後補
最近沒有什麼特別的事﹐我翻看了韓劇"藍色生死戀"。看到差不多大結局時﹐因為實在太慘情,我終於頂唔住要轉去睇"浪漫滿屋" 需然都喺同一個女主角,但喺劇情就輕快得多. 而且得十六集,好快就睇完. 原本仲想睇埋喬妹套"ALL IN",但喺套戲有D悶,睇到十幾集時已經睇唔落去啦!
原本這個post喺五月時開始寫,但喺到七月先至寫完, 都喺因為中間時唔記得咗開咗個頭. 而且寫得唔喺咁詳盡,因為過了兩個月,有D唔記得做咗D乜.
原本這個post喺五月時開始寫,但喺到七月先至寫完, 都喺因為中間時唔記得咗開咗個頭. 而且寫得唔喺咁詳盡,因為過了兩個月,有D唔記得做咗D乜.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
Anyway, today is Mother's Day. I didn't really do anything special about since my mom is still in HK. I did went to P-town and visit my grandma yesterday and have dinner with the relatives.
It was soooooo sunny today and I really want to stay outside. However, I need to work in the afternoon. I only able to manage to get back in town from P-town and then don't really have any time left to enjoy the weather. And I understand people all stay out or out of town for the Mother's Day. No one even show up in the lab so far. I guess I probably won't see any user show up during my shift. >__<
My roommie is having her wonderful vacation. Good for her...... I got to stuck in the Corvallis. Anyway, someone just show up in the lab while I was typing this message. arrrrrhhhhh....... Things are always so unexpected.
It was soooooo sunny today and I really want to stay outside. However, I need to work in the afternoon. I only able to manage to get back in town from P-town and then don't really have any time left to enjoy the weather. And I understand people all stay out or out of town for the Mother's Day. No one even show up in the lab so far. I guess I probably won't see any user show up during my shift. >__<
My roommie is having her wonderful vacation. Good for her...... I got to stuck in the Corvallis. Anyway, someone just show up in the lab while I was typing this message. arrrrrhhhhh....... Things are always so unexpected.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Another week passed
Well..... it is Wed. half of the week passed. Can't believe how time pass like a second. This week has nothing exciting happened. Well.... except talking with my mom....... can't believe I was search those information for her. But, need to inform her what she should know. My mom was complain that since I wasn't around her, I couldn't be useful........ I agree and hopefully I will be useful to her soon...... hehe..... >___<
Anyways, I was writing some more in here but, it got cut off due to I use the special character. And my words is shorten now........ :(
A talk with my mom
Anyway, I called my mom this morning coz I missed a call from my dad yesterday. It turns out nothing really matter happen. They just called....... However, my mom asked something regarding a marketing sale for a Lampe Berger fragrances. I never heard of it. And my mom told me one of her friend (not really close) asked her out for breakfast and then took her to a building (don't remember the location from my mom). It was like a seminar regarding a product for Lampe Berger, it is a product that release fragrances and it claimed that it could kill gems freshen the air. Moreover, they were trying to convince my mom to join their club as a member(cost HK$5000). Then, she could ask others to join and she could get commission by doing so. Well...... at least my mom didn't buy what they said (may be she was still thinking at that time) and find some excuses to get out of that place.
Since she talked for at least half and hour regarding that, I think she may be interested in that or want to know the true. Therefore, I spent the next 20 minutes searching on the internet and found some news regarding that brand(my mom only mentioned half of the Chinese name of that product, took me some time to find the news regarding that thing). Okay...... the search result is that it is not totally a scam(but, totally not recommend to join). But, it a marketing technique refer as MLM(Mult-Level Marketing). A lot of people ending loaning from others to pay off the stock fees. And it is true that if you were doing this at the beginning(so, that refer to the top level), you do earn money from whoever that was referred by you. However, the return is not as great as what they have mentioned in their seminar. There are news regarding this type of business couple years ago. I got couple newspapers and magazines reported this issues couple years ago. It is interesting that these kind of thing still happened now. If you want to know about the details of how MLM works or what is behind of the DCHL Lampe Berger thing, try a search on "DCHL Lampe Berger". Then, you should find some news(or anti-DCHL blog) regarding that. I did a search on yahoo HK coz my mom met these people in HK and there were news even the HK tvb station had mentioned in their programs before (like in year 2000).
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Weekend
This is the Easter Sunday, I just went back to Portland for the Satursday coz my grandparents came back. I have the chance to visit my little cousin. She is still a new born baby (age less than a month) It seems like my grandparnets are quit happy to see the little baby. We went to a dim sum at Wong's King in SE portland. To be honest, the dim sum there is just so so. I guess I need to go back to Hong Kong sometime soon to eat the real chinese food....... miss the old days....
Crazy Driver
It was pouring outside when I was driving back from P-town to Corvallis. And when I was close to Albany on I-5, there was a guy using his high bean light flashing to me (like almost 5 minutes) and trying to force me to let him pass.......... Can't believe such a guy exist...... since he has a brand new Toyoto sienna white van, I can't even see his license plate. Moreover, don't know where are those cops gone....... they should be around and protect the lawful citizens...... So, be aware if you will drive around Albany area (That guy got off I-5 on Albany exit 334)
Sunday, April 09, 2006
NANA the anime and newly updates
Finally watched the newest NANA anime. After the manga and the live movie, it finally came down to anime. The op sounds so cool. The tone for the voice actor(Paku Romi) of Osaki Nana is kind of too low. She also voice for Edward for Fullmetal Alchemist. This is the first time I hear her voice for a female charactor.
Here is Nana anime official site.
Anyway, I got a new hair cut during the spring break. This is the first time I tried to get it at a beauty school. And the result is terrible........ I just hope my hair could grow faster....... >___<
Haven't update the blog for a while coz kind of busy study for my citizenship test. And I passed last Wed. now just have to wait for the doing the oath and I could be officially as a US citizen. Kind of broke after paying all those application fees........ it costed me almost $400. I kind celebrated with two of my aunts at Red Lobster. The lobster tails were sooooo good, but, need to pay the price for it......... After paying the rent and cable, I am officially "BROKE"...... and there still have a whole month to go before I get my paycheck..... arrrrhhhhh.....
Finally, it can sense the spring time
Spring is around........ Mix of sun and rain mostly these weeks. However, when the sun comes around, everything looks so lively. :)
The first day of the spring term term (Last Monday Apr. 3), I passed by the street and saw the cherry blossom was so pretty. Even though they won't last long, just look so good. :)
The first day of the spring term term (Last Monday Apr. 3), I passed by the street and saw the cherry blossom was so pretty. Even though they won't last long, just look so good. :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Quiet...... like dead..... in the lab.....
Can't believe it is only the second day of the final week........ and the kidder lab is dead..... no one show up so far.... and I only have one more hour to go.
Pinki came to Corvallis for her ex-roommie's birthday and I got a chance to have lunch with her at local boyz. I haven't go to local boyz for awhile........ feel so evil since I was having the diet plan started this week....... oh man.... my veggie soup......
Monday, March 20, 2006
Man.... I am hungry..... :(
I am really hungry since there are two idiots brought in food (their dinner) to the lab. And I am being super nice not kicking them out of the lab. (I know... it is final week..... don't want to be mean for that) But, in my heart........ I hope I could kick them out of my sight at this moment........ arrrrrhhhhhh.......
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Quiet in the lab
It is pretty guiet in the kidder lab where I usually work. Only 1 person showed up until now. And I only has 30 more minutes to go. Guess people are studying hard for finals and test during the dead week.
It was snowing last week!!!!
It is unbelievable that it was snowing in Corvallis last Thu. and Fri. Since it is already March, I think this is the first time I saw snow in March for the last seven years. However, it back to sunny today. The snow days didn't stay long. I was shock when I saw snow cover the street when I woke up on Thu. morning.
Here is the picture of how it looked on Thu. morning. SNOWWWWWW.......... arrrrrhhh

I haven't post pictures for a while. Here is a picture of the hotpot we had back to the mid Feb. Time flies, it is almost the mid-March now.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Waiting for the OFB to come
Oh man.... it is hard when you are waiting for something. I waiting for the newest expansion pack (OFB) from the sims 2 game since yesterday. I knew the official release is today. It should be in store already. However, I pre-order it at the EA store. And I still haven't get any comfirmation of the item shipped........ I regret now.... I shouldn't pre-order.... I should just grap it from target where I heard there is a $5 gift card from target at portland area. I hope I could get it by Friday or no later than Sat.
The funny thing is that I heard someone knock the door yesterday. I ran down the stair from my room and get to the door. I almost hope that it is the deilvery person for my game. And then, when I got to the door, I saw a package on the floor. I picked it up and opened it......... And it turned out be something I ordered from other place. I have a mix feeling at that time coz I am happy to receive the package, but I am also disappointed that it is not the OFB.
I guess I may be crazy if I don't get it by Sat. But, I crossed my fingers that it won't happen. I do want it before the weekend where I could have time to play...... oh god.... please...... please let it come before the weekend..... let's pray for it......
Anyway, during the waiting time, I created a house yesterday and trying to reassibly the house that I am living now. It is almost done expect I have problem on creating the basement (may skip the basement).
The funny thing is that I heard someone knock the door yesterday. I ran down the stair from my room and get to the door. I almost hope that it is the deilvery person for my game. And then, when I got to the door, I saw a package on the floor. I picked it up and opened it......... And it turned out be something I ordered from other place. I have a mix feeling at that time coz I am happy to receive the package, but I am also disappointed that it is not the OFB.
I guess I may be crazy if I don't get it by Sat. But, I crossed my fingers that it won't happen. I do want it before the weekend where I could have time to play...... oh god.... please...... please let it come before the weekend..... let's pray for it......
Anyway, during the waiting time, I created a house yesterday and trying to reassibly the house that I am living now. It is almost done expect I have problem on creating the basement (may skip the basement).
Monday, February 27, 2006
Another week passed by
Anyway, ignore the fact that I am starving while writing this blog. The week passed by fast. I don't even really done anything. I guess I must have some problems on my time management. As last week, I watched a new hk tv series "天幕下的戀人". The main character said that the poor people are lacking of time and money in the first episode. I totally agree with that. It is kind of sad to hear that but it was totally right. I am lacking of those two things at this moment. To be honest, I am really bad at time management. Can't be efficiently allocate my time. Usually waste most of the time on something that is not worth it. However, sometime it is hard to be on track all the time, especially for me. Don't know if there is any way I could do to fix this problem. sigh........
I hate vending machine
I just started the vege soup diet again today and feel kind of hungry at work. So, I was trying to get some bite size cookies from the vending machine at kidder hall basement machine #5. And my cookies got stuck on the shelf inside the vending machine. The worst is I just spent my last one dollar bill with no other changes..... so, I couldn't either make another purchases or get the cookie..... :( I am super hungry and got to stay at work until 7:30pm which will be another two hours wait. I think I may get crazy. This is not the first time the vending machine monster eat my money without giving me any return and I hate to drop by the MU business office to get the refund back. Oh man!!! Please help me!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Want to watch tonight Olympic for the figure skating
Anyway, I really want to watch the ladies figure skating tonight. But, before that, I checked and find out the result. It is kind of dramaic. At first, I really wanted to see Michelle Kwan to skate, but she dropped out. Kind of disappointing to see her finished with the no end Olympic dream. But, the result was kind of different from what I have expected. Shizuka Arakawa(Japan) won the gold.
It has been a pretty slow this week. I think I shall find some motivation, otherwise, it is kind of hard to keep up. I feel like eating fried chicken even though I was planning to go on diet starting from this week. But, things are always go into a different way. The next thing I am expecting is the new expansion pack from the sims 2. I got it pre-order online and it should be coming on Mar. 2nd.
Emily, my roomie's dog, is staying the house most of the time. She always look at me with a really sad face. I can't take it anymore, I am trying to hide myself in my room without looking at her face. Somehow I think she needs a lot of attention. That is the reason why I don't really want any pet coz I don't have time for the pet. Hope Emily will get uses to it soon.
Another thing is that my powerball dream is gone...... no matching numbers...... guess I need to face the reality and work hard now. >__<
It has been a pretty slow this week. I think I shall find some motivation, otherwise, it is kind of hard to keep up. I feel like eating fried chicken even though I was planning to go on diet starting from this week. But, things are always go into a different way. The next thing I am expecting is the new expansion pack from the sims 2. I got it pre-order online and it should be coming on Mar. 2nd.
Emily, my roomie's dog, is staying the house most of the time. She always look at me with a really sad face. I can't take it anymore, I am trying to hide myself in my room without looking at her face. Somehow I think she needs a lot of attention. That is the reason why I don't really want any pet coz I don't have time for the pet. Hope Emily will get uses to it soon.
Another thing is that my powerball dream is gone...... no matching numbers...... guess I need to face the reality and work hard now. >__<
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Emily is back
After a weekend with my missing roomie, she is finally back this morning with Emily(her dog). Emily will be staying for couple weeks. Hope she won't be too lonely since I don't think we have much time to be with her. And her boyfriend is gone..... poor Emily.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Well.... the jackpot still no one claim it yet. But, after couple weeks of investment, I finally got something back. This time I got a ticket with the matching powerball number. Even though it is not a big prize, I think it is a good sign. I am sure I will buy the next one for Sat. since the jackpot climbed up to 365 million.
After $4 investment, I will get $7 back. Hope next time it will hit for the jackpot.
After $4 investment, I will get $7 back. Hope next time it will hit for the jackpot.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
It's the Valentine's Day
Finally the V-day. I bought a bag of chocolate at supermarket. It tastes soooo good and I ate a lot of chocolate. Can't believe what I have done......... It's soooo evil for eating chocolate.
Here is a picture of what I had eaten for Vday dinner. Lobster tail....... yummy!

Also the dessert.... sweet tofu pudding with mixed fruits

Here is the picture of me and my roomie for celebrating the Vday.

Monday, February 13, 2006
What's BoringFish doing?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
My roomie's Mom visit...... >___<
Nothing big happened this weekend except my roomie's Mom visited her....... and I made it in time to clean all the dishes in the sink right before the second she stepped into the house...... so close....... Anyway, I got a picture below for both of them. They looked so happy and I couldn't resist it to post their picture here.

Hope the doggie doesn't mind that I didn't protect its privacy......... +__+
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Custer Egg Tart Recipe
Anyway, couple weeks ago I was trying to bake egg tart on my own and the recipt I found on internet works pretty good. My aunt asked me for the recipt. So, I guess it won't hurt to put it on the blog. Enjoy! >___< (Probably I will translate it back in English later) Source from April Daily(HK newspaper)
有 料 到 :
皮 : 低 筋 粉 220 克 、 牛 油 110 克 、 淡 奶 3 湯 匙 、 砂 糖 1 湯 匙
餡 : 雞 蛋 6 隻 、 砂 糖 140 克 、 水 1 杯 、 淡 奶 1 杯 、 吉 士 粉 1 湯 匙
跟 住 做 :
1 ﹒ 先 將 粉 與 牛 油 慢 慢 融 入 , 加 入 砂 糖 和 淡 奶 等 搓 成 糰 , 工 場 用 大 型 攪 拌 機 , 在 家 可 用 迷 你 攪 拌 機 或 以 手 慢 慢 搓 成 皮 。 將 糰 搓 成 直 徑 約 1 吋 半 圓 柱 體 , 搣 成 圓 球 狀 。
2 ﹒ 以 烏 卒 卒 帶 油 性 的 糰 , 吸 走 撻 模 內 的 「 鑊 撈 」 , 焗 出 來 的 蛋 撻 才 會 乾 淨 。 ( 自 家 製 省 這 步 驟 )
3 ﹒ 將 圓 球 搓 圓 壓 扁 套 入 模 內 , 邊 轉 圈 邊 以 拇 指 將 撻 皮 壓 入 , 直 至 完 全 貼 住 撻 模 。
4 ﹒ 將 蛋 漿 餡 料 全 部 拂 勻 , 注 入 蛋 撻 模 內 至 8 成 滿 , 放 進 預 熱 焗 爐 , 以 400 度 高 溫 焗 10 分 鐘 。
5 ﹒ 然 後 轉 200 度 焗 10 分 鐘 至 蛋 撻 內 外 熟 透 即 成 。
皮 : 低 筋 粉 220 克 、 牛 油 110 克 、 淡 奶 3 湯 匙 、 砂 糖 1 湯 匙
餡 : 雞 蛋 6 隻 、 砂 糖 140 克 、 水 1 杯 、 淡 奶 1 杯 、 吉 士 粉 1 湯 匙
跟 住 做 :
1 ﹒ 先 將 粉 與 牛 油 慢 慢 融 入 , 加 入 砂 糖 和 淡 奶 等 搓 成 糰 , 工 場 用 大 型 攪 拌 機 , 在 家 可 用 迷 你 攪 拌 機 或 以 手 慢 慢 搓 成 皮 。 將 糰 搓 成 直 徑 約 1 吋 半 圓 柱 體 , 搣 成 圓 球 狀 。
2 ﹒ 以 烏 卒 卒 帶 油 性 的 糰 , 吸 走 撻 模 內 的 「 鑊 撈 」 , 焗 出 來 的 蛋 撻 才 會 乾 淨 。 ( 自 家 製 省 這 步 驟 )
3 ﹒ 將 圓 球 搓 圓 壓 扁 套 入 模 內 , 邊 轉 圈 邊 以 拇 指 將 撻 皮 壓 入 , 直 至 完 全 貼 住 撻 模 。
4 ﹒ 將 蛋 漿 餡 料 全 部 拂 勻 , 注 入 蛋 撻 模 內 至 8 成 滿 , 放 進 預 熱 焗 爐 , 以 400 度 高 溫 焗 10 分 鐘 。
5 ﹒ 然 後 轉 200 度 焗 10 分 鐘 至 蛋 撻 內 外 熟 透 即 成 。
The egg tarts the I made couple weeks ago. Look pretty good, right?
Soooooo windy last week! >___<
It was so windy last weekend and the wind knocked down my neighbor's tree to our backyard. I was shock at the moment when it fell down coz my room was so close to it. Fortunately, nothing seriously damage. And my roomie finally called and get it fixed yesterday. I saw the bill and it is over 400 bucks.......
Chinese New Year is fading now..... but all the Food still in memory.......
Finally decided to post the pictures of what I have been eating lately. Especially for the Chinese New Year celebration for last two weeks.............. eating soooo much.....
Started from the Chinese New Year Eve...... my uncle and his wife cooked and two of my aunts actually bought some of them from store......

And last one was the one I ate at one of my friend's house..... they cooked and I just being there and eat........
Started from the Chinese New Year Eve...... my uncle and his wife cooked and two of my aunts actually bought some of them from store......

Then the Chinese New Year Day......... well.... I believed I had hot pot for it, but didn't take a picture...... but, still yummy!
Next is the second day of the Chinese New Year. In my family trandition, I am not supposed to eat meat on the first day. Therefore, my mom would cook more for the second day. But, this time, I was the one who cook and also invited my cousin to come. Also, my roomie helped out a lot. :)

Me and my roomie had a picture with the finished products....... FOOD!! Thanks God that it is eatable..... Hehe.....

Next is the second day of the Chinese New Year. In my family trandition, I am not supposed to eat meat on the first day. Therefore, my mom would cook more for the second day. But, this time, I was the one who cook and also invited my cousin to come. Also, my roomie helped out a lot. :)

Me and my roomie had a picture with the finished products....... FOOD!! Thanks God that it is eatable..... Hehe.....

And last one was the one I ate at one of my friend's house..... they cooked and I just being there and eat........
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Winter Storm Pictures
These are pictures from December 2005 where there was winter storm and freezing rain.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Follow Up
After waiting for an hour for the offline of the Blogger server, finally get back to it to update the profile and adding more to the blog. Just notify my roomie about this blog and she is so excited about it. She post all three blogs I just created while at work to her blog page. I know I am crazy but, I could compare how these three blog providers' services. Blogger belongs to google. MSN spaces from MSN and Yahoo 360 as a beta test from yahoo.
New to Blog
New to Blog. First time trying the blog thing. My roomie has it and it seems like she was having so much fun with it. So, it makes me wonder and get one for myself and see how things go.......
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