Monday, February 27, 2006

Another week passed by

Anyway, ignore the fact that I am starving while writing this blog. The week passed by fast. I don't even really done anything. I guess I must have some problems on my time management. As last week, I watched a new hk tv series "天幕下的戀人". The main character said that the poor people are lacking of time and money in the first episode. I totally agree with that. It is kind of sad to hear that but it was totally right. I am lacking of those two things at this moment. To be honest, I am really bad at time management. Can't be efficiently allocate my time. Usually waste most of the time on something that is not worth it. However, sometime it is hard to be on track all the time, especially for me. Don't know if there is any way I could do to fix this problem. sigh........

I hate vending machine

I just started the vege soup diet again today and feel kind of hungry at work. So, I was trying to get some bite size cookies from the vending machine at kidder hall basement machine #5. And my cookies got stuck on the shelf inside the vending machine. The worst is I just spent my last one dollar bill with no other changes..... so, I couldn't either make another purchases or get the cookie..... :( I am super hungry and got to stay at work until 7:30pm which will be another two hours wait. I think I may get crazy. This is not the first time the vending machine monster eat my money without giving me any return and I hate to drop by the MU business office to get the refund back. Oh man!!! Please help me!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Want to watch tonight Olympic for the figure skating

Anyway, I really want to watch the ladies figure skating tonight. But, before that, I checked and find out the result. It is kind of dramaic. At first, I really wanted to see Michelle Kwan to skate, but she dropped out. Kind of disappointing to see her finished with the no end Olympic dream. But, the result was kind of different from what I have expected. Shizuka Arakawa(Japan) won the gold.

It has been a pretty slow this week. I think I shall find some motivation, otherwise, it is kind of hard to keep up. I feel like eating fried chicken even though I was planning to go on diet starting from this week. But, things are always go into a different way. The next thing I am expecting is the new expansion pack from the sims 2. I got it pre-order online and it should be coming on Mar. 2nd.

Emily, my roomie's dog, is staying the house most of the time. She always look at me with a really sad face. I can't take it anymore, I am trying to hide myself in my room without looking at her face. Somehow I think she needs a lot of attention. That is the reason why I don't really want any pet coz I don't have time for the pet. Hope Emily will get uses to it soon.

Another thing is that my powerball dream is gone...... no matching numbers...... guess I need to face the reality and work hard now. >__<

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Emily is back

After a weekend with my missing roomie, she is finally back this morning with Emily(her dog). Emily will be staying for couple weeks. Hope she won't be too lonely since I don't think we have much time to be with her. And her boyfriend is gone..... poor Emily.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Well.... the jackpot still no one claim it yet. But, after couple weeks of investment, I finally got something back. This time I got a ticket with the matching powerball number. Even though it is not a big prize, I think it is a good sign. I am sure I will buy the next one for Sat. since the jackpot climbed up to 365 million.

After $4 investment, I will get $7 back. Hope next time it will hit for the jackpot.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's the Valentine's Day

Finally the V-day. I bought a bag of chocolate at supermarket. It tastes soooo good and I ate a lot of chocolate. Can't believe what I have done......... It's soooo evil for eating chocolate.

Here is a picture of what I had eaten for Vday dinner. Lobster tail....... yummy!

Also the dessert.... sweet tofu pudding with mixed fruits

Here is the picture of me and my roomie for celebrating the Vday.

Monday, February 13, 2006

What's BoringFish doing?

On Monday after work, I saw BoringFish working on her blog and it seemed like she was having a hard time to work on her blog..... I wonder what was she posting......

Sunday, February 12, 2006

My roomie's Mom visit...... >___<

Nothing big happened this weekend except my roomie's Mom visited her....... and I made it in time to clean all the dishes in the sink right before the second she stepped into the house...... so close....... Anyway, I got a picture below for both of them. They looked so happy and I couldn't resist it to post their picture here.

Hope the doggie doesn't mind that I didn't protect its privacy......... +__+

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Custer Egg Tart Recipe

Anyway, couple weeks ago I was trying to bake egg tart on my own and the recipt I found on internet works pretty good. My aunt asked me for the recipt. So, I guess it won't hurt to put it on the blog. Enjoy! >___< (Probably I will translate it back in English later) Source from April Daily(HK newspaper)

有 料 到 :
皮 : 低 筋 粉 220 克 、 牛 油 110 克 、 淡 奶 3 湯 匙 、 砂 糖 1 湯 匙

餡 : 雞 蛋 6 隻 、 砂 糖 140 克 、 水 1 杯 、 淡 奶 1 杯 、 吉 士 粉 1 湯 匙

跟 住 做 :
1 ﹒ 先 將 粉 與 牛 油 慢 慢 融 入 , 加 入 砂 糖 和 淡 奶 等 搓 成 糰 , 工 場 用 大 型 攪 拌 機 , 在 家 可 用 迷 你 攪 拌 機 或 以 手 慢 慢 搓 成 皮 。 將 糰 搓 成 直 徑 約 1 吋 半 圓 柱 體 , 搣 成 圓 球 狀 。

2 ﹒ 以 烏 卒 卒 帶 油 性 的 糰 , 吸 走 撻 模 內 的 「 鑊 撈 」 , 焗 出 來 的 蛋 撻 才 會 乾 淨 。 ( 自 家 製 省 這 步 驟 )

3 ﹒ 將 圓 球 搓 圓 壓 扁 套 入 模 內 , 邊 轉 圈 邊 以 拇 指 將 撻 皮 壓 入 , 直 至 完 全 貼 住 撻 模 。

4 ﹒ 將 蛋 漿 餡 料 全 部 拂 勻 , 注 入 蛋 撻 模 內 至 8 成 滿 , 放 進 預 熱 焗 爐 , 以 400 度 高 溫 焗 10 分 鐘 。

5 ﹒ 然 後 轉 200 度 焗 10 分 鐘 至 蛋 撻 內 外 熟 透 即 成 。

The egg tarts the I made couple weeks ago. Look pretty good, right?

Soooooo windy last week! >___<

It was so windy last weekend and the wind knocked down my neighbor's tree to our backyard. I was shock at the moment when it fell down coz my room was so close to it. Fortunately, nothing seriously damage. And my roomie finally called and get it fixed yesterday. I saw the bill and it is over 400 bucks.......

The tree was all over the backyard

After cutting the tree down and how it looks this morning

Chinese New Year is fading now..... but all the Food still in memory.......

Finally decided to post the pictures of what I have been eating lately. Especially for the Chinese New Year celebration for last two weeks.............. eating soooo much.....

Started from the Chinese New Year Eve...... my uncle and his wife cooked and two of my aunts actually bought some of them from store......

Then the Chinese New Year Day......... well.... I believed I had hot pot for it, but didn't take a picture...... but, still yummy!

Next is the second day of the Chinese New Year. In my family trandition, I am not supposed to eat meat on the first day. Therefore, my mom would cook more for the second day. But, this time, I was the one who cook and also invited my cousin to come. Also, my roomie helped out a lot. :)

Me and my roomie had a picture with the finished products....... FOOD!! Thanks God that it is eatable..... Hehe.....

And last one was the one I ate at one of my friend's house..... they cooked and I just being there and eat........

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Miss the Fall, looking forward to Spring

Here is a picture of how my front door looking in Fall. Now the tree gone topless now...... waiting for the green coat to put on.

My front door with the maple tree in Fall color Posted by Picasa

Winter Storm Pictures

These are pictures from December 2005 where there was winter storm and freezing rain.
The icy branches

Winter storm picture Posted by Picasa

My Favorite Sport

One of my favorite sport "dry swimming" aka mahjong.
Here is a picture of how people are playing mahjong.

Got to protect their privacy. But mahjong still looks cool, right? Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Follow Up

After waiting for an hour for the offline of the Blogger server, finally get back to it to update the profile and adding more to the blog. Just notify my roomie about this blog and she is so excited about it. She post all three blogs I just created while at work to her blog page. I know I am crazy but, I could compare how these three blog providers' services. Blogger belongs to google. MSN spaces from MSN and Yahoo 360 as a beta test from yahoo.

New to Blog

New to Blog. First time trying the blog thing. My roomie has it and it seems like she was having so much fun with it. So, it makes me wonder and get one for myself and see how things go.......