Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Another week passed

Well..... it is Wed. half of the week passed. Can't believe how time pass like a second. This week has nothing exciting happened. Well.... except talking with my mom....... can't believe I was search those information for her. But, need to inform her what she should know. My mom was complain that since I wasn't around her, I couldn't be useful........ I agree and hopefully I will be useful to her soon...... hehe..... >___<

Anyways, I was writing some more in here but, it got cut off due to I use the special character. And my words is shorten now........ :(

A talk with my mom

Anyway, I called my mom this morning coz I missed a call from my dad yesterday. It turns out nothing really matter happen. They just called....... However, my mom asked something regarding a marketing sale for a Lampe Berger fragrances. I never heard of it. And my mom told me one of her friend (not really close) asked her out for breakfast and then took her to a building (don't remember the location from my mom). It was like a seminar regarding a product for Lampe Berger, it is a product that release fragrances and it claimed that it could kill gems freshen the air. Moreover, they were trying to convince my mom to join their club as a member(cost HK$5000). Then, she could ask others to join and she could get commission by doing so. Well...... at least my mom didn't buy what they said (may be she was still thinking at that time) and find some excuses to get out of that place.

Since she talked for at least half and hour regarding that, I think she may be interested in that or want to know the true. Therefore, I spent the next 20 minutes searching on the internet and found some news regarding that brand(my mom only mentioned half of the Chinese name of that product, took me some time to find the news regarding that thing). Okay...... the search result is that it is not totally a scam(but, totally not recommend to join). But, it a marketing technique refer as MLM(Mult-Level Marketing). A lot of people ending loaning from others to pay off the stock fees. And it is true that if you were doing this at the beginning(so, that refer to the top level), you do earn money from whoever that was referred by you. However, the return is not as great as what they have mentioned in their seminar. There are news regarding this type of business couple years ago. I got couple newspapers and magazines reported this issues couple years ago. It is interesting that these kind of thing still happened now. If you want to know about the details of how MLM works or what is behind of the DCHL Lampe Berger thing, try a search on "DCHL Lampe Berger". Then, you should find some news(or anti-DCHL blog) regarding that. I did a search on yahoo HK coz my mom met these people in HK and there were news even the HK tvb station had mentioned in their programs before (like in year 2000).

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Weekend

This is the Easter Sunday, I just went back to Portland for the Satursday coz my grandparents came back. I have the chance to visit my little cousin. She is still a new born baby (age less than a month) It seems like my grandparnets are quit happy to see the little baby. We went to a dim sum at Wong's King in SE portland. To be honest, the dim sum there is just so so. I guess I need to go back to Hong Kong sometime soon to eat the real chinese food....... miss the old days....

Anyway, this weekend overall was pretty good until I met that crazy idiot driver. Hope it won't happen again and hope even if it happen, a police will be near by and lecture that guy(or sent him to jail please).

My baby cousin and cousin is soooo little and kawaii .... hehe >___<

Crazy Driver

It was pouring outside when I was driving back from P-town to Corvallis. And when I was close to Albany on I-5, there was a guy using his high bean light flashing to me (like almost 5 minutes) and trying to force me to let him pass.......... Can't believe such a guy exist...... since he has a brand new Toyoto sienna white van, I can't even see his license plate. Moreover, don't know where are those cops gone....... they should be around and protect the lawful citizens...... So, be aware if you will drive around Albany area (That guy got off I-5 on Albany exit 334)

That is exact model and color of what that crazy idiot was driving last night. WATCH OUT!!! People who live in Albany, OR.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

NANA the anime and newly updates

Finally watched the newest NANA anime. After the manga and the live movie, it finally came down to anime. The op sounds so cool. The tone for the voice actor(Paku Romi) of Osaki Nana is kind of too low. She also voice for Edward for Fullmetal Alchemist. This is the first time I hear her voice for a female charactor.

Here is Nana anime official site.

Anyway, I got a new hair cut during the spring break. This is the first time I tried to get it at a beauty school. And the result is terrible........ I just hope my hair could grow faster....... >___<

Haven't update the blog for a while coz kind of busy study for my citizenship test. And I passed last Wed. now just have to wait for the doing the oath and I could be officially as a US citizen. Kind of broke after paying all those application fees........ it costed me almost $400. I kind celebrated with two of my aunts at Red Lobster. The lobster tails were sooooo good, but, need to pay the price for it......... After paying the rent and cable, I am officially "BROKE"...... and there still have a whole month to go before I get my paycheck..... arrrrhhhhh.....

Finally, it can sense the spring time

Spring is around........ Mix of sun and rain mostly these weeks. However, when the sun comes around, everything looks so lively. :)

The first day of the spring term term (Last Monday Apr. 3), I passed by the street and saw the cherry blossom was so pretty. Even though they won't last long, just look so good. :)

After the dayling saving time be actived two week ago, I could see the blue sky even after I done with work. It was so beautiful.