Thursday, May 25, 2006

最近的近况 - 五月的後補

最近沒有什麼特別的事﹐我翻看了韓劇"藍色生死戀"。看到差不多大結局時﹐因為實在太慘情,我終於頂唔住要轉去睇"浪漫滿屋" 需然都喺同一個女主角,但喺劇情就輕快得多. 而且得十六集,好快就睇完. 原本仲想睇埋喬妹套"ALL IN",但喺套戲有D悶,睇到十幾集時已經睇唔落去啦!

原本這個post喺五月時開始寫,但喺到七月先至寫完, 都喺因為中間時唔記得咗開咗個頭. 而且寫得唔喺咁詳盡,因為過了兩個月,有D唔記得做咗D乜.

Monday, May 15, 2006




Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Anyway, today is Mother's Day. I didn't really do anything special about since my mom is still in HK. I did went to P-town and visit my grandma yesterday and have dinner with the relatives.

It was soooooo sunny today and I really want to stay outside. However, I need to work in the afternoon. I only able to manage to get back in town from P-town and then don't really have any time left to enjoy the weather. And I understand people all stay out or out of town for the Mother's Day. No one even show up in the lab so far. I guess I probably won't see any user show up during my shift. >__<

My roommie is having her wonderful vacation. Good for her...... I got to stuck in the Corvallis. Anyway, someone just show up in the lab while I was typing this message. arrrrrhhhhh....... Things are always so unexpected.